Republican Representatives voted NO to an amendment which would have
enabled the House Ways and Means Committee to privately examine Trump’s
tax returns to determine if there are conflicts of interest. We are not going to let these Reps get away with this. Here's the plan:
We'll send a mass of coordinated faxes to the 23 Republicans that they will not be able to ignore. Let’s make this a national campaign: forward this email to anyone you think will help the cause!
Step 1:
Using the faxzero.com service, you can send 5 free faxes per day. Copy this link into your browser https://faxzero.com/fax_congre ss.php It takes you to the page where you can select the Member of Congress you want to fax. All you need is their name, state, and district, which is provided below in the schedule.
Step 2:
Copy and paste one of the scripts below (following the schedule) into the fax. Even better, reorganize the content or make up your own script! Follow the instructions on faxzero to send your fax. Repeat this every day, Monday, March 20th through Friday, March 24th. Here is the schedule:
Monday, March 20, 2017 - Send 1 fax each to:
David Nunes (CA-22)
Kevin Brady (TX-08)
Sam Johnson (TX-03)
Pat Tiberi (OH-12)
Dave Reichert (WA-08)
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 – Send 1 fax each to:
Peter Roskam (IL-06)
Vern Buchanan (FL-16)
Adrian Smith (NE-03)
Lynn Jenkins (KS-02)
Kenny Marchant (TX-24)
Wednesday, March 22, 2017 – Send 1 fax each to:
Diane Black (TN-06)
Tom Reed (NY-23)
Mike Kelly (PA-03)
Jim Renacci (OH-16)
Pat Meehan (PA-07)
Thursday, March 23, 2017 – Send 1 fax each to:
Kristi Noem (SD-01)
George Holding (NC-02)
Jason Smith (MO-08)
Tom Rice (SC-07)
Dave Schweikert (AZ-06)
Friday, March 24, 2017 – Send 1 fax each to:
Jackie Walorski (IN-02)
Carlos Curbelo (FL-26)
Erik Paulson (MN-03)
Suggested scripts:
Script #1:
We, the American People, denounce you personally, as a House Republican, for enabling Donald Trump to hide his tax returns. We, the American People, have no confidence in you to represent us. We, the American People, demand that you allow the House Ways and Means Committee to view Trump’s Taxes. We, the American people, are watching every one of your political actions and we are keeping track of your votes. If you want our vote at your reelection, you will allow the House Ways and Means Committee to view Trump’s taxes.
Script #2:
Shame, shame, shame on you!!! More than 70% of Americans want Trump to release his taxes. But
Donald Trump is the first President (or presidential nominee) in 40+ years to refuse to publicly disclose his tax returns. The American public deserves to know! But
you wouldn’t even allow members of Congress to view his tax returns
PRIVATELY and in CLOSED SESSION to check for potential conflicts of
Shame on you for enabling Trump’s bad behavior. Your NO vote will come back to haunt you when you ask the American People for their vote to reelect you. Their answer will be a resounding YOU’RE FIRED!!!
(The above came from the Indivisible4All Team.)