Opposing Education Secretary Nominee Betsy DeVos

Just ONE more GOP senator voting NO on DeVos will defeat her!

Do you know anyone in AK, AZ, NV, OH, SC, NC, UT, CO or NE? One or more GOP senators in these states has publicly expressed doubts about something Trump has done, and are thus strategic to target without your wasting a whole lot of time.
But contacting our Senators is working so well their staff can't deal with floods of calls and emails. How to keep getting through? - especially when letters may be impounded several weeks in case of contaminants?

PLEASE forward this to yr network in those states.
Let's roll! Time is so short...


Caller: Hi there, I’m a constituent of Senator ________. May I please speak with the staffer* who would be handling his/her position on Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education? [If no education staffer, talk with anyone.]

Staffer: I’m happy to take down any comments you may have. Can I ask for your name and address to verify you’re in our district?

Caller: Sure. [Gives name/address]. Can I ask who I’m speaking with?

Staffer: Yes, this is _____________.
Caller: Thanks, __________. Let me start by saying I fully support Senator ________’s smart vote for the MATTIS waiver, which allowed the General to become Secretary of Defense. I also support the Senator on ____________**.  Now I'm calling to ask whether the Senator will vote to oppose confirmation of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.

Senator ______’s NO vote on DeVos will be extremely important to me personally. [Tell brief personal anecdote why.] Beyond this, I’m shocked that DeVos has shown that she lacks even the most basic knowledge about education policy. In addition, she has consistently taken actions and positions that demonstrate a commitment to hollow out the country’s public school system, leaving the most vulnerable children, and especially children in rural areas, with fewer options and resources. Beyond these disqualifying problems, DeVos has not cleared up her potential (and enormous) conflicts of interest.  

Can you tell me Senator ________’s position on this? Will he/she vote against DeVos’s confirmation?

If yes:  I am so happy that Senator _______ opposes the confirmation of DeVos. I’ll be sure to let all my friends and family know about her position. I can’t express strongly enough how much support the Senator has in pushing back on an appointment that doesn’t meet a reasonable standard of competence, moderation, and ethics. We thank the Senator for steps taken so far along these lines, in a challenging political atmosphere.

If no:  I am very disappointed to hear that. We will be sure to tell as many as possible of the Senator’s constituents that he/she refuses to vote NO on Betsy DeVos, whose uninformed opposition to public schooling makes her a totally inappropriate candidate for Secretary of Education. The citizens of our state are watching every vote and every occasion when the Senator stands up for American core values. There will be consequences for not standing up.

More on DeVos is here.

The following Republican Senators may be more likely than others in the GOP to be receptive to your msg:
AZ John McCain Phone: (202) 224-2235
(*Education staffer: David Cole )
**Also thank McCain for investigating Russian hacking.

(*Education staffer: Helen Haiden)

(*Education staffer: Jessica Phillips-Tyson)
**Also thank Graham for investigating Russian hacking.

(*Education staffer: Christopher Toppings)
**Also thank Burr for investigating Trump ties to Russia

CO Cory Gardner (202) 224-5941
(*Education staffer: Alison Toal)

(*Education staffer: Rachel Green)

(*Education staffer: Leslie Ford)

(*Education staffer: ??)
**Thank Senator Sasse for his discerning critique of the immigration/travel ban.

(*Education staffer: ??)

*Education staffer: ??)

(*Education staffer: Karen McCarthy)
**Change the call script: Thank Senator Murkowski for her admirable leadership in already having taken an eloquent public stance against DeVos’ confirmation!

(*Education staffer: Katie Brown)
Change the call script: Thank Senator Collins for her admirable leadership in already having taken an eloquent public stance against DeVos’ confirmation!
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