Contact Info:

*Send 5 faxes/day FREE:

Sen. Patty Murray
(206)553-5545; (202)224-2621
FAX (206)553-0981; (202)224-0238
915 Second Ave, Seattle, WA  98174
154 Russell Senate Ofc Bldg, Wash DC 20510

Sen. Maria Cantwell
(206)220-6400; (202)224-3441
FAX (206)220-6404; (202) 228-0514
915 Second Ave, Seattle, WA 98174
511 Hart Senate Ofc Bldg, Wash DC, 20510

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (7th LD WA)
(206)674-0040; (202)225-3106
FAX (206)623-0256; (202)225-6197
1904 3rd Ave., Ste 510, Seattle, WA 98101
319 Cannon Ofc Bldg, Wash DC, 20515

Rep. Adam Smith (9th LD WA)
(425) 793-5180; (202) 225-8901
FAX: (425) 793-5181
101 Evergreen Bldg, 15 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057
2264 Rayburn House Ofc Bldg, Wash DC, 20515
 Rep. Dave Reichert
(425) 677-7414 or (877) 20-9208; (202)225-7761
*FAX: (425)793-5181; (202)225-4282
22605 SE 56th Street Ste 130, Issaquah, WA 98029
1127 Longworth HOB, Wash DC 20515

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
509-353-2374; 202-225-2006
Fax: 202-225-3392
10 North Post St, Ste 625, Spokane, WA 99201
1314 Longworth House Ofc Bldg, Wash DC, 20515

Potentially sympathetic GOP MOCs:
GOP Senators:
AZ John McCain (thank McCain for investigating Russian hacking)
SC Lindsey Graham (Thank Graham for investigating Russian hacking).
UT Mike Lee 
NE Ben Sasse (Thank Senator Sasse for his discerning critique of the immigration/travel ban, calling on President Trump to release information backing up his claims that former President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower during the campaign).
AK Lisa Murkowski (Thank Senator Murkowski for her courageous stand against DeVos’ confirmation.)
ME Susan Collins (Thank Senator Collins for her courageous stand against DeVos’ confirmation)
CO Cory Gardner (said the Trump travel ban went “too far”
TN Lamar Alexander (said it came close to being a religious test, which is “inconsistent with our American character.” He also introduced a bipartisan resolution reaffirming a strong commitment to the U.S.-Australia relationship, after Trump's hostile phone conversation with Australia's Prime Minister)
CO Cory Gardner (said the Trump travel ban went “too far”)
TN Lamar Alexander (said it came close to being a religious test, which is “inconsistent with our American character.” He also introduced a bipartisan resolution reaffirming a strong commitment to the U.S.-Australia relationship, after Trump's hostile phone conversation with Australia's Prime Minister)
FL Marco Rubio (Thank him for joining in a bipartisan resolution reaffirming a strong commitment to the U.S.-Australia relationship, after Trump's hostile phone conversation with Australia's Prime Minister)

GOP Representatives:
UT Jason Chaffetz (asked the Office of Government Ethics to recommend discipline for Kellyanne Conway, calling her "Buy Ivanka's stuff" comments “unacceptable.” Utah constituents fearful of losing their health care swarmed a Chaffetz town hall)
TN Diane Black [scroll down] (Constituents fearful of losing their health care swarmed a Black town hall)
MI Justin Amash (Constituents fearful of losing their health care swarmed an Amash town hall)
CA Tom McClintock (Constituents fearful of losing their health care swarmed a McClintock town hall)
WA Dave Reichert (said Trump’s travel ban “did not uphold our values” and called for it to be scrapped in favor of more workable immigration legislation)