Sample Call Opposing Rex Tillerson

Secretary of State nomination: Rex Tillerson
(Needs 51-vote majority approval by Senate)

Why Question Tillerson’s Nomination?

The ExxonMobil Chief Executive is a precarious pick for president-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet. The issues for Tillerson begin with his close affiliation and business relations with Russia and Vladimir Putin himself. A number of senators, including Republican Senator Marco Rubio have expressed their serious concerns about Trump’s choice of Secretary of State.

It has also been reported that Tillerson ran a U.S.-Russian oil firm in the Bahamas, a tax haven. Furthermore, Rex Tillerson negotiated oil drill deals with Russia which opposed U.S. sanctions against Russia. Tillerson has greatly benefited from ExxonMobil policies that contradict American foreign policy. In 2015 alone his base salary was $3 million, and he received a bonus of $2.4 million, long-term stock awards that were valued at $18.3 million, and benefits and perquisites valued at $540,000. He currently owns Exxon stocks valued at $200 million, so his financial interests are entangled with the success of Exxon Mobile.

Sample Call Dialogue
*This call dialogue is a modified from a template in Indivisible, A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda.

Tip: Take notes during this call so that you can use that information in social media or in an letter to your editor.

Staffer:  [_________]’s office, how can I help you?

Caller: Hi there, I’m a constituent of Senator [________]. Can I please speak with the staffer who would be handling his/her’s position on Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State?

Staffer: I’m happy to take down any comments you may have. Can I ask for your name and address to verify you’re in our district?

Caller: Sure. [Gives name/address]. Can I ask who I’m speaking with?

Staffer: Yes, this is [_____________].

Caller: Thanks, [__________]  I’m calling to ask whether  [________________] will vote in opposition of  the nomination of Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State due to Tillerson’s personal and business relations with Russia. The Secretary of State is designated with representing the interests of the United States of America. I am concerned that Tillerson will compromise his role as Secretary of State as because of his personal financial interests. Can you confirm [________________]’s position on this and that he/she will vote against Tillerson’s nomination for Secretary of State ?

If yes:  I am so happy that [_____________] opposes the nomination of Rex Tillerson. We will be sure to let all of our friends and family know about his/her position.

If no:  I am very disappointed to hear that. We will be sure to tell many of his/her constituents that [________________] supports Rex Tillerson, whose opposed the U.S.’s interests and negotiated with Russia for his personal gain.

Can you also please ask [_______________] to ensure that Rex Tillerson will address the following questions during the confirmation hearings in January? * You can pick and choose/add your own. Email us at if you want us to add other questions to this list.

       Why would Tillerson be suitable to represent the U.S. as Secretary of State if he has already proven his unpatriotic character when he opposed the U.S. sanction on Russia to promote his personal Interest? How can we trust him to stay loyal to his country ?
       What is Tillerson’s view of the efficacy of economic sanctions in general and when does he think they should be imposed?
       Tillerson will have 2 million unvested shares that are currently worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 million after he leaves Exxon. What will he do to ensure that he puts America’s interests before his own?
       What is his view of Russia’s air force campaign against innocents in Syria?
       What is his view of the fact that the Russian government committed cyberwar to swing this election in Donald Trump’s favor? Senator Lindsay Graham believes that sanctions need to be imposed on Putin himself. Do you agree?
       What is his view on Ukranian sovereign territory in Crimea?
       What is his view of the Iraq and Libyan wars?