(206) 220-6400
(202) 224-3441
Murray (D-WA)
(425) 259-6515
(202) 224-2621
And do you have family or friends in AK, AZ, NV, OH, SC, NC, UT, CO or NE?
Those states have 1 or 2 GOP senators who have expressed doubts about a Trump action, and are thus strategic to call without wasting your breath and time. PLEASE forward this page to your network in those states. A list of these 11 senators, with phone #s, are at the bottom of this page.*
Start your calls something like this:
Staffer: [_________]’s office, how
can I help you?
Caller: Hi there,
I’m a constituent of Senator _________. Can I please speak with the
staffer who would be handling his/her position on Cabinet nominee ________?
Staffer: I’m
happy to take down any comments you may have. Can I ask for your name and
address to verify you’re in our district?
Caller: Sure.
[Give name/address]. Can I ask who I’m speaking with?
Staffer: Yes, this is [_____________].
Caller: Thanks,
[__________]. I support the
Senator’s work on [_____ if you know about and approve of something the Senator has done.] But ensuring her opposition to ___________ for __________ is really important to me because ... [tell brief anecdote or reason why this is PERSONALLY important to you.]
... So I’m calling to ask whether Senator ______ will vote to oppose Scott Pruitt’s
confirmation as head of the Environmental Protection Agency.
As Attorney General of Oklahoma, Pruitt has sued the EPA not once, not, twice, but 14 times! He’s sued to stop the EPA from enacting regulations that would protect our air, water, and climate. He’s even sued to stop EPA rules that would clean up smog at our National Parks. He fundamentally doesn’t believe in the role of the EPA.
Pruitt has been leader of the effort to stop EPA’s Clean Power Plan. This critical initiative, led by EPA, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is essential to combating climate change. But Scott Pruitt denies the scientific evidence about climate change, questioning “the degree and extent of global warming, and its connection to the actions of mankind.”
Not surprisingly, he’s working hand-in-glove with the coal and oil industry. Fossil fuel donors have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Pruitt’s campaigns, even co-chairing his re-election. In return, Pruitt has lobbied on their behalf, coordinated legal strategies with them, even allowed lobbyists from Devon Energy to ghostwrite correspondence from his office, on his official letterhead, to EPA.
His confirmation as head of the EPA is totally unacceptable, and I want the Senate to stop it. Can you tell me the Senator’s position on this? Will s/he vote against Pruitt’s confirmation?
As Attorney General of Oklahoma, Pruitt has sued the EPA not once, not, twice, but 14 times! He’s sued to stop the EPA from enacting regulations that would protect our air, water, and climate. He’s even sued to stop EPA rules that would clean up smog at our National Parks. He fundamentally doesn’t believe in the role of the EPA.
Pruitt has been leader of the effort to stop EPA’s Clean Power Plan. This critical initiative, led by EPA, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is essential to combating climate change. But Scott Pruitt denies the scientific evidence about climate change, questioning “the degree and extent of global warming, and its connection to the actions of mankind.”
Not surprisingly, he’s working hand-in-glove with the coal and oil industry. Fossil fuel donors have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Pruitt’s campaigns, even co-chairing his re-election. In return, Pruitt has lobbied on their behalf, coordinated legal strategies with them, even allowed lobbyists from Devon Energy to ghostwrite correspondence from his office, on his official letterhead, to EPA.
His confirmation as head of the EPA is totally unacceptable, and I want the Senate to stop it. Can you tell me the Senator’s position on this? Will s/he vote against Pruitt’s confirmation?
*The following GOP Senators may be more likely than others to be receptive to your msg:
(*Education staffer: Leslie Ford)
NE Ben Sasse
(202) 224-4224 (Thank Senator Sasse for his
discerning critique of the immigration/travel ban)
AK Lisa
Murkowski (202) 224-6665 (Change the call script: thank Senator Murkowski
for her courageous leadership in already having taken an eloquent stance
against DeVos’ confirmation!)
ME Susan
Collins (202) 224-2523 Change the call script: thank Senator Collins
for her courageous leadership in already having taken an eloquent stance
against DeVos’ confirmation!)